Begin Your Journey to a Stronger Self
Isn’t wonderful to read such slogan mentioned above ? In our current lifestyle, our health play an important role to contributes a wellbeing in our community. Hence its very important that we deserve a strong immune system for ourselves and for the people around us. So why don’t you begin your journey to wellbeing, towards a stronger body, mind and spirit with Naad Wellness, conveniently located within the NCR, just a short drive away from New Delhi.

Naad is a 39-room wellness centre located on the outskirts of New Delhi in Kundli-Sonepat.. Based on the principles of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, the property features a bouquet of experiences that begin at 2 nights and go up to 28 nights and include a combination of both experiential (Detox, Destress, Weight loss etc) and medical packages (Diabetes Management, PCOS management, Spine Care, Sports Injury Management, etc). The objective is to heal the body, mind and spirit from within, addressing the root cause of any imbalance, rather than offering a superficial short-term solution. Some of wellness experiences at Naad
Detox at center

Break the monotony of your eating habits with a complete detox by fasting or going on a juice cleanse. Detox diets like these, bring about a temporary change in our diet which helps in flushing out all the toxins from the body.

Dinacharya, the Ayurvedic concept of the daily routine, is an ideal that helps us be more efficient and positive in order to ensure that the mind, body, and spirit remain in balance.
Eye Health Management

80% of what we perceive comes through our sense of sight, thus making our eyesight one of the most important senses. It is hence important to care for them and keep them healthy.
Medical Management
Naad offers a variety of Medical Packages including Arthritis Management, Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia , Hypertension, Migraine, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Respiratory Diseases, Sports Injury and Weight management programs.
For more details about Naad & its programs, please write us at